Source code for msg_parser.msg_parser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# !/usr/bin/env python
# Based on MS-OXMSG protocol specification
# ref:
# ref:
import email
import os
import re
from pickle import dumps
from struct import unpack

from olefile import OleFileIO
from olefile import isOleFile

from .data_models import DataModel
from .email_builder import EmailFormatter
from .properties.ms_props_id_map import PROPS_ID_MAP

CONTROL_CHARS = re.compile(r"[\n\r\t]")

[docs]class Message(object): """ Class to store Message properties """ def __init__(self, directory_entries): self._streams = self._process_directory_entries(directory_entries) self._data_model = DataModel() self._nested_attachments_depth = 0 = self._get_properties() self.attachments = self._get_attachments() self.recipients = self._get_recipients()
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ returns message attributes as a python dictionary. :return: dict """ message_dict = {"attachments": self.attachments, "recipients": self.recipients} message_dict.update( return message_dict
def _set_property_stream_info(self, ole_file, header_size): property_dir_entry = ole_file.openstream("__properties_version1.0") version_stream_data = if not version_stream_data: raise Exception( "Invalid MSG file provided, 'properties_version1.0' stream data is empty." ) if version_stream_data: if header_size >= EMBEDDED_MSG_HEADER_SIZE: properties_metadata = unpack("8sIIII", version_stream_data[:24]) if not properties_metadata or not len(properties_metadata) >= 5: raise Exception("'properties_version1.0' stream data is corrupted.") self.next_recipient_id = properties_metadata[1] self.next_attachment_id = properties_metadata[2] self.recipient_count = properties_metadata[3] self.attachment_count = properties_metadata[4] if (len(version_stream_data) - header_size) % 16 != 0: raise Exception( "Property Stream size less header is not exactly divisible by 16" ) self.property_entries_count = (len(version_stream_data) - header_size) / 16 @staticmethod def _process_directory_entries(directory_entries): streams = {"properties": {}, "recipients": {}, "attachments": {}} for name, stream in directory_entries.items(): # collect properties if "__substg1.0_" in name: streams["properties"][name] = stream # collect attachments elif "__attach_" in name: streams["attachments"][name] = # collect recipients elif "__recip_" in name: streams["recipients"][name] = # unknown stream name else: continue return streams def _get_properties(self): directory_entries = self._streams.get("properties") directory_name_filter = "__substg1.0_" property_entries = {} for directory_name, directory_entry in directory_entries.items(): if directory_name_filter not in directory_name: continue if not directory_entry: continue if isinstance(directory_entry, list): directory_values = {} for property_entry in directory_entry: property_data = self._get_property_data( directory_name, property_entry, is_list=True ) if property_data: directory_values.update(property_data) property_entries[directory_name] = directory_values else: property_data = self._get_property_data(directory_name, directory_entry) if property_data: property_entries.update(property_data) return property_entries def _get_recipients(self): directory_entries = self._streams.get("recipients") directory_name_filter = "__recip_version1.0_" recipient_entries = {} for directory_name, directory_entry in directory_entries.items(): if directory_name_filter not in directory_name: continue if not directory_entry: continue if isinstance(directory_entry, list): directory_values = {} for property_entry in directory_entry: property_data = self._get_property_data( directory_name, property_entry, is_list=True ) if property_data: directory_values.update(property_data) recipient_address = directory_values.get( "EmailAddress", directory_values.get("SmtpAddress", directory_name) ) recipient_entries[recipient_address] = directory_values else: property_data = self._get_property_data(directory_name, directory_entry) if property_data: recipient_entries.update(property_data) return recipient_entries def _get_attachments(self): directory_entries = self._streams.get("attachments") directory_name_filter = "__attach_version1.0_" attachment_entries = {} for directory_name, directory_entry in directory_entries.items(): if directory_name_filter not in directory_name: continue if not directory_entry: continue if isinstance(directory_entry, list): directory_values = {} for property_entry in directory_entry: kids = if kids: embedded_message = Message(property_entry.kids_dict) directory_values["EmbeddedMessage"] = { "properties":, "recipients": embedded_message.recipients, "attachments": embedded_message.attachments, } property_data = self._get_property_data( directory_name, property_entry, is_list=True ) if property_data: directory_values.update(property_data) attachment_entries[directory_name] = directory_values else: property_data = self._get_property_data(directory_name, directory_entry) if property_data: attachment_entries.update(property_data) return attachment_entries def _get_property_data(self, directory_name, directory_entry, is_list=False): directory_entry_name = if is_list: stream_name = [directory_name, directory_entry_name] else: stream_name = [directory_entry_name] ole_file = directory_entry.olefile property_details = self._get_canonical_property_name(directory_entry_name) if not property_details: return None property_name = property_details.get("name") property_type = property_details.get("data_type") if not property_type: return None try: raw_content = ole_file.openstream(stream_name).read() except IOError: raw_content = None property_value = self._data_model.get_value( raw_content, data_type=property_type ) if property_value: # If the propery is the data of the attachment it has to be provided raw to preven corruption if property_name == 'AttachDataObject': property_detail = {property_name: raw_content} # Otherwhisle use the olefile lib to get the value else: property_detail = {property_name: property_value} else: property_detail = None return property_detail @staticmethod def _get_canonical_property_name(dir_entry_name): if not dir_entry_name: return None if "__substg1.0_" in dir_entry_name: name = dir_entry_name.replace("__substg1.0_", "") prop_name_id = "0x" + name[0:4] prop_details = PROPS_ID_MAP.get(prop_name_id) return prop_details return None def __repr__(self): return "Message [%s]" % "InternetMessageId","Subject") )
[docs]class Recipient(object): """ class to store recipient attributes """ def __init__(self, recipients_properties): self.AddressType = recipients_properties.get("AddressType") self.Account = recipients_properties.get("Account") self.EmailAddress = recipients_properties.get("SmtpAddress") self.DisplayName = recipients_properties.get("DisplayName") self.ObjectType = recipients_properties.get("ObjectType") self.RecipientType = recipients_properties.get("RecipientType") def __repr__(self): return "%s (%s)" % (self.DisplayName, self.EmailAddress)
[docs]class Attachment(object): """ class to store attachment attributes """ def __init__(self, attachment_properties): self.DisplayName = attachment_properties.get("DisplayName") self.AttachEncoding = attachment_properties.get("AttachEncoding") self.AttachContentId = attachment_properties.get("AttachContentId") self.AttachMethod = attachment_properties.get("AttachMethod") self.AttachmentSize = format_size(attachment_properties.get("AttachmentSize")) self.AttachFilename = attachment_properties.get("AttachFilename") self.AttachLongFilename = attachment_properties.get("AttachLongFilename") if self.AttachLongFilename: self.Filename = self.AttachLongFilename else: self.Filename = self.AttachFilename if self.Filename: self.Filename = os.path.basename(self.Filename) else: self.Filename = "[NoFilename_Method%s]" % self.AttachMethod = attachment_properties.get("AttachDataObject") self.AttachMimeTag = attachment_properties.get( "AttachMimeTag", "application/octet-stream" ) self.AttachExtension = attachment_properties.get("AttachExtension") def __repr__(self): return "%s (%s / %s)" % ( self.Filename, self.AttachmentSize, len( or []), )
[docs]class MsOxMessage(object): """ Base class for Microsoft Message Object """ def __init__(self, msg_file_path): self.msg_file_path = msg_file_path self.include_attachment_data = False if not self.is_valid_msg_file(): raise Exception( "Invalid file provided, please provide valid Microsoft’s Outlook MSG file." ) with OleFileIO(msg_file_path) as ole_file: # process directory entries ole_root = ole_file.root kids_dict = ole_root.kids_dict self._message = Message(kids_dict) self._message_dict = self._message.as_dict() # process msg properties self._set_properties() # process msg recipients self._set_recipients() # process attachments self._set_attachments()
[docs] def get_properties(self): properties = {} for key, value in self._message_dict.items(): if key == "attachments" and value: properties["attachments"] = self.attachments elif key == "recipients" and value: properties["recipients"] = self.recipients else: properties[key] = value return properties
[docs] def get_properties_as_dict(self): return self._message
[docs] def get_message_as_json(self): try: if not self.include_attachment_data: for _, attachment in self._message_dict.get("attachments", []).items(): if not isinstance(attachment, dict): continue attachment["AttachDataObject"] = {} # Using Pickle to encode message. There is bytes-like objects in it. Therefore cannot be treated by embed json.dumps method json_string = dumps(self._message_dict) return json_string except ValueError: return None
[docs] def get_email_mime_content(self): email_obj = EmailFormatter(self) return email_obj.build_email()
[docs] def save_email_file(self, file_path, file_name=None): email_obj = EmailFormatter(self) email_obj.save_file(file_path, file_name) return True
def _set_properties(self): property_values = # setting generally required properties to easily access using MsOxMessage instance. self.subject = property_values.get("Subject") header = property_values.get("TransportMessageHeaders") self.header = parse_email_headers(header, True) self.header_dict = parse_email_headers(header) or {} self.created_date = property_values.get("CreationTime") self.received_date = property_values.get("ReceiptTime") sent_date = property_values.get("DeliverTime") if not sent_date: sent_date = self.header_dict.get("Date") self.sent_date = sent_date sender_address = self.header_dict.get("From") if not sender_address: sender_address = property_values.get("SenderRepresentingSmtpAddress") self.sender = sender_address reply_to_address = self.header_dict.get("Reply-To") if not reply_to_address: reply_to_address = property_values.get("ReplyRecipientNames") self.reply_to = reply_to_address self.message_id = property_values.get("InternetMessageId") to_address = self.header_dict.get("TO") if not to_address: to_address = property_values.get("DisplayTo") if not to_address: to_address = property_values.get("ReceivedRepresentingSmtpAddress") = to_address cc_address = self.header_dict.get("CC") # if cc_address: # cc_address = [CONTROL_CHARS.sub(" ", cc_add) for cc_add in cc_address.split(",")] = cc_address bcc_address = self.header_dict.get("BCC") self.bcc = bcc_address # prefer HTMl over plain text if "Html" in property_values: self.body = property_values.get("Html") else: self.body = property_values.get("Body") # Trying to decode body if is bytes obj. This is not the way to go. Quick-fix only. # See IMAP specs. Use charset-normalizer, cchardet or chardet as last resort. if isinstance(self.body, bytes): self.body = self.body.decode("utf-8", "ignore") if not self.body and "RtfCompressed" in property_values: try: import compressed_rtf except ImportError: compressed_rtf = None if compressed_rtf: compressed_rtf_body = property_values["RtfCompressed"] self.body = compressed_rtf.decompress(compressed_rtf_body) def _set_recipients(self): recipients = self._message.recipients self.recipients = [] for recipient_name, recipient in recipients.items(): if and recipient_name in recipient["RecipientType"] = "TO" if and recipient_name in recipient["RecipientType"] = "CC" if self.bcc and recipient_name in self.bcc: recipient["RecipientType"] = "BCC" if self.reply_to and recipient_name in self.reply_to: recipient["RecipientType"] = "ReplyTo" self.recipients.append(Recipient(recipient)) def _set_attachments(self): attachments = self._message.attachments self.attachments = [Attachment(attach) for attach in attachments.values()]
[docs] def is_valid_msg_file(self): if not isOleFile(self.msg_file_path) and not os.path.exists(self.msg_file_path): return False return True
[docs]def format_size(num, suffix="B"): if not num: return "unknown" for unit in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, "Yi", suffix)
[docs]def parse_email_headers(header, raw=False): if not header: return None headers = email.message_from_string(header) if raw: return headers email_address_headers = { "To": [], "From": [], "CC": [], "BCC": [], "Reply-To": [], } for addr in email_address_headers.keys(): for (name, email_address) in email.utils.getaddresses( headers.get_all(addr, []) ): email_address_headers[addr].append("{} <{}>".format(name, email_address)) parsed_headers = dict(headers) parsed_headers.update(email_address_headers) return parsed_headers